Exploring the Solar System: Lucy Goes to Space
Discover the mysteries of the Solar System through the eyes of the Lucy mission and its team members. This first episode features Deputy Principal Investigator, Cathy Olkin, who discusses Lucy's journey out to explore the Trojan asteroids and what we hope to learn about our Solar System.
The first episode in a series of five showcasing Solar System exploration through the eyes of the Lucy mission.
Music is "Cloud Stream" by Paul Saunderson and "256 Kenaston Ave" by Jean-Christophe Beck of Universal Production Music.
Video credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
James Tralie (ADNET):
Lead Producer
Lead Editor
Cathy Olkin (SwRI):
Krystofer Kim (KBRwyle):
Lead Animator
Walt Feimer (KBRwyle):
Michael Lentz (KBRwyle):
Art Director
Aaron E. Lepsch (ADNET):
Technical Support